Im baaaackk!!
Hi everyone, it's been a while. I hope you're all well. I cant believe I haven't posted anything in about three months. I've just been so busy with work over the summer and then with university starting in September. As you all know I'm studying speech and language therapy and I have just started my fourth and final year of university. I cannot believe my uni life is almost at its end, it feels so surreal. I still remember the day I moved into Halls back in September 2010. However before I think about the end I have coursework's, exams and the all important dissertation to think about. And as for you guys, you'll be reading a lot about my progress and what I'm getting up to.
Okay so let me tell you a little about my dissertation.
My dissertation or disso as I like to call it, is about 'social media and its effect on research.' When I got the options of my dissertation titles this was the one that interested me the most and I'm very happy I'm getting to write it. In the coming weeks I'll be updating you all on what I'm learning and my progress for my disso. It will be approximately 10,000 words. I've never written more than 2,000 words in my life so this will be interesting.
Since uni has started I've just been busy with group coursework, working at pandora and have now started volunteering. I am working with stroke patients and attended my first group session on Friday and absolutely love it. I've never worked with an adult client base but am really excited for things to come.
Anyway thats all from me for today, I will keep you posted in due time.
Ciao my darlings,
H x